Sunday 6 May 2012

WEB 2.0 Videos

What is WEB 2.0? 
- Rich Internet Applications includes Flash and Ajax which brings the desktop experience to the browser.
- Ajax is used to build the Web 2.0 application.
- It has a "language" or an ability to make tasks easy to do and update. 

WEB 2.0 Explained in 60 Seconds
- Web 2.0 is mostly about social media
-  It is now about getting on the internet and interacting with websites by posting and sharing your thoughts or comments.
- Web 2.0 was first heard about around 2001 when ".com" started coming more into use.

What is WEB 2.0?
-  Many companies use Web 2.0 to advertise and open up their brands for customers by having Web 2.0 applications
-  Web 2.0 is a way to the internet to be able to interact with many different things and people
-  It lets you multitask which means lets you go on applications and also explore the World Wide Web

WEB 2.0 vs. WEB 1.0
Web 2.0 is different from Web 1.0 because Web 1.0 was basically used to get simple information and do simple tasks while Web 2.0 is an advancment on that.  Web 2.0 lets you expand on knowledge on the internet to be able to work and communicate on it while Web 1.0 let you get where you needed to and that's it.  It is not a whole lot different from Web 1.0, but it does have more to offer and explore with.

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