Friday 13 April 2012

All About Robots!

1.   Robota Dolls:   Helps autistic children learn how to react to different facial expressions.
2.   Robovox:  People can send text messages to the robot and he will then read out the text message out loud. It's a robot that does the talking for you.
3.   Flautist Robot:  This robot is known for being able to play the flute with mecha-lips and mecha-lungs.
4.   Rat-Brain Powered Robot: This is a robot that is powered by rat brain cells that work.  Scientists will use this "brain" and insert diseases like brain tumor to understand how the brain reacts to it. 
5.   Qrio:  A robot that has the ability to dance to any type of music it hears.  
6.  The Cubinator:  This robot has the ability to solve a Rubiks Cube in the fastest amount of time ever. 
7.  Mint:   A robot that is able to clean and mop the  floors of your homes, with out you having to watch over it because it creates a GPS version of your house. 
8.  Snakebot:  A robot that has the characteristics of a snake and can even move, crawl, and climb a tree like a snake can.
9.  DepthX:    An underwater robot that is able to map places underwater such as flooded caverns and mines.
10.  DOMO:   This robot can accomplish things like making a drink, helping with chores, and even can interact with people.


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