Sunday 15 April 2012

Man Uses Google Earth to Find Long-Lost Mother Article

Title:   Man Uses Google Earth to Find long-Lost Mother
Date Written:  April 15, 2012
Written by:  Steven Musil

This is a very inspring story of how a man after 25 years went back to his home after being seperated with his family.  The way he found his long lost home was by using Google Earth.  In 1986 when Saroo Bierley was 5 years old, he and his older brother went travelling by train.  Before he knew it, he fell asleep but once he woke, he found out that his brother wasn't with him and he was alone on a train headed to  Calcutta.  Since he was alone, he lived on the streets and then was adopted by a couple from Australia.  Even though he was quite happy with his new family, he wanted to find out where he was from.  After finally deciding that the internet could help him, he used Google Earth and navigated it all down to the waterfall he used to play around as a kid.  After a lot of work, he found his house and was taken to his shocked biological  mother. He also found out that his older brother didn't survive.  

I think this article is very interesting because I bet that many people on this earth don't realize all the great stuff the internet can do.  Being able to find your long lost family using Google Earth is a big thing.  It is something which can change a persons life forever. 

I wonder what happened to his brother and how come he died.  Also, I wonder if his adoptive parents had helped him with finding his mother and if the man, Saroo, went to live with his biological mother.

This article relates to Information Technology because it teaches people not to take the internet as an advantage because you never know whose life could be changing.  Also, we find out that the internet is truly global with finding anything or anywhere around the world.

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